A surprise early-season snowfall in Alberta yesterday sent snow-hating residents into conniptions and snow lovers brimming with joy. However, there is no way any human in Calgary enjoyed the snow as much as this cute little pup.

Calgary resident and the owner of one of Canada's cutest dogs Melissa Murtagh posted the video to her YouTube page with the following caption:

Link is a 2 year old rescue dog from California who has never seen snow until today. September 8th is early to have snow in Calgary..

Murtagh is right — this snowfall is rather unusual for the Canadian Prairies. A few areas around Calgary saw up to seven inches of snow on Monday; the city proper usually sees an average of one-and-a-half inches of snow during the month of September.

There is a good chance of some snow in the higher elevations around the Rockies this week, and possibly even some snow or a rain/snow mix reaching western South Dakota around Rapid City in the Wednesday/Thursday time frame. Minimum temperatures as low as the upper 30s are also possible as far south as northwestern Kansas by the end of the week.

Happy September! And it's an especially happy September for Link. Aww.

[Video by Melissa Murtagh]

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