Buoy 44027, located about 20 miles off the coast of Jonesport, Maine, is recording incredible gusts of wind as the nor'easter passes to its southeast this afternoon, clocking not one but two wind gusts at a staggering 103 knots, or 118.5 MPH.

Given the much lower wind speeds recorded by other stations in the area, these measurements might not be accurate, but it's incredible if they are.

The station's air pressure also fell from a high of 1019 millibars to a low of 988 millibars in just over 12 hours.

Buoy 44005 — 78 miles southeast of Portsmouth, New Hampshire — has recorded wind gusts between 50-60 MPH as the system moved by. Another buoy located well off the coast of Nova Scotia recorded a wind gust to near 70 MPH a few hours ago.

The 3PM EDT surface analysis from the Weather Prediction Center shows that the nor'easter's pressure is down to 955 millibars.

[Images via NDBC and WPC]