An architecture firm in Tulsa, Oklahoma, has an idea that would make their home city's skyline the most unique in the country, all while paying homage to the land where the wind comes sweeping down the plain: an awesome, tornado-shaped tower. I want to go to there.

Kinslow, Keith & Todd, Inc. drew up the plans for the Tulsa Tornado Tower without a client in mind, but Andrew Kinslow told Tulsa's Fox affiliate that the project is generating buzz among investors who might want to get in on the ground-floor.

There's not a client at this point. It's just a conceptual drawing of what could potentially take place and happen downtown," Kinslow said.

The tower would rise to 20 to 30 stories and house a severe weather museum. Kinslow said that office space could also be added easily.

According to a floor plan posted on the firm's website, the theoretical permatwister could hold classrooms, auditoriums, a severe weather museum, a weather research center, a restaurant, and as mentioned in the news story, office space.

Oklahoma lies square in the middle of a region of the country known as Tornado Alley. The state's location and flat terrain allows strong storm systems from the west to collide with warm and humid air flowing north from the Gulf of Mexico. The tropical air provides instability and fuel for thunderstorms to feed on, and approaching upper-level features can provide enough lift and wind shear for these thunderstorms to turn into violent supercells, leading to potentially destructive tornadoes.

[Images: KKT Architects, Fox 23 Tulsa]

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