The constant stream of snowfall this past winter had a deeper impact than just missed classes. Fremont City Schools in Ohio announced this week that the large number of snow days affected their ability to administer random drug tests to hundreds of students who attend the city's high school.

The News-Messenger reported on Fremont City Schools Superintendent Traci McCaudy's presentation to the school board about the cancelled drug tests at Fremont Ross High School.

McCaudy said, as of April 30, the district had tested 156 of its 702 eligible students under the policy's guidelines. The superintendent said while the district doesn't have a set number of students it will test in a given school year, the poor winter weather in January, February and March definitely affected the number of tests that could be administered.

"We had to cancel many, many drug testing sessions," McCaudy said.

According to the drug test policy on the school district's website, a student's consent to random drug testing is mandatory for ninth through twelfth graders who want to participate in athletics, extracurricular activities, or who drive to school and park on campus.

The policy further states that drug tests are "non-disciplinary," meaning they won't result in a suspension or expulsion from school, nor will a positive result show up on a student's academic record.

To a student, however, "non-disciplinary" is a subjective term.

The first positive test ends with a phone call home to mom and dad, a meeting with a drug counselor, a 36-day ban on parking privileges and extracurricular activities, a ban from playing sports for the rest of the season, 20 hours of community service, and 5 more random drug tests over a 6 month period.

Tokers of Fremont Ross High School rejoice — the weather may have saved you.

[Image via Wikimedia Commons]