The impressive nor'easter that's slated to develop on Tuesday and Wednesday and rake parts of New England with heavy snow and strong winds will likely prove devastating to the Atlantic provinces of eastern Canada. The storm is expected to drop to a barometric pressure equivalent to that of a category 3 hurricane as it approaches Nova Scotia on Wednesday, bringing with it the potential for two feet of snow, winds well over hurricane force, incredible waves, and a fair amount of coastal flooding.

One run of a weather model by Global News shows between 40-60+ centimeters (roughly 16-24+ inches) of snow for areas that get caught underneath the nor'easter's heaviest bands of snow. The heaviest snow will likely follow the western end of Nova Scotia up into New Brunswick and the western half of Prince Edward Island, with Moncton potentially seeing almost two feet of accumulation before the storm is done.

A word of caution, though — as this is a model forecast, the snow totals may be overdone.

The Weather Network predicts slightly more modest accumulations.

Regardless of how much snow falls, the intense winds will provide the opportunity for major power outages, tree and structural damage, as well as coastal flooding in areas that see the strongest winds for the longest period of time. This afternoon's run of the GFS model suggests that sustained winds could blow in excess of 50 knots (57 MPH) across much of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, and PEI for more than 12 hours as the nor'easter moves through.

The Weather Network published a graphic showing where the worst of the coastal flooding from the storm surge is expected to occur.

While the northeastern United States will take a glancing blow from the storm — with the worst of the snow (possibly >12") occurring along Cape Cod & Nantucket — Atlantic Canada is going to take the full brunt of this storm. If you live there or know anyone who does, tell them to be prepared a significant, disruptive blizzard and gather supplies now in preparation for a long-duration power outage.

[Images: Global News via Twitter and Twitter / The Weather Network / TwisterData]