Memphis television station WREG-TV is making waves on Twitter this morning after they accidentally ("accidentally") Tweeted out the link to a PornHub account instead of a link to their weather radar. Hey, who hasn't done that, am I right?

The station's account, @3onyourside (which is probably also the title of 67,000 PornHub videos), sent out a link to a user named "rockbone" early this morning as thunderstorms pounded the Memphis area. The reaction was swift and brutal.

The station quickly deleted and apologized for the Tweet, and sent out another one asking viewers to donate to various charity organizations "since we have your attention today." And not to pass up a glorious moment to advertise to the handful of people on Twitter who haven't heard of PornHub...

Well, when someone at WREG loses their job this afternoon, we know what they'll be doing in their spare time.

[Image: Twitter]

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