It gets lonely for a meteorologist all the way up in Alaska, so it's not surprising to see a forecaster for the National Weather Service office in Juneau posting a dating show-esque discussion about the day's weather models.

NWS meteorologists around the country are known to break the monotony every once and a while by writing humorous Area Forecast Discussions, or the scientific justification for the day's batch of forecasts. It's often the only product that meteorologists personally write without the help of pre-filled text, so it gives them a chance to add a little personality to the otherwise boring inside baseball.

"WOODY!," the self-stylized name of a meteorologist at the NWS office in Washington D.C., is widely known in the weather community for using humor whenever he writes his forecasts. The National Hurricane Center also has fun when the occasion calls for it. During the shutdown of the federal government last October, a forecaster for the NWS office in Anchorage, Alaska hid a subtle message in the day's forecast discussion, with the first letter of each line spelling out "PLEASE PAY US."

Mika McKinnon over at io9's excellent sub-blog Space covered the excitement in Juneau the other day.