
The Crash of Delta 1086 Is Exactly Why Airlines Cancel Flights for Snow

Dennis Mersereau · 03/05/15 04:43PM

We've all moaned and groaned over flights cancelled due to weather. It's maddening to miss your connection (or even your whole trip) because of bad weather, but incidents like today's crash of Delta 1086 in a snowy New York City are exactly why they make that tough call that can affect millions of travelers.

How Long Will I Be Stuck in This Airport? A Thanksgiving Travel Forecast

Dennis Mersereau · 11/26/14 02:41PM

If you're one of the tens of thousands of people who are trapped in one of the United States' many fine airports on this Thanksgiving Eve, you may find yourself wondering when the hell you're going to get out of here and on to your destination. Here's a quick forecast for your (eventual) departure.

Stop Complaining About Flying and Look Out the Window

Dennis Mersereau · 09/09/14 02:47PM

In the past few weeks we've seen an endless stream of opinions come out about reclining seats and boarding order and carry-on luggage and this and that, but nobody discusses one of the biggest issues behind flying: the wonder wore off. At what point did we stop appreciating that we're able to fly?

Why Do Airplane Stowaways Almost Always Die?

Dennis Mersereau · 04/22/14 10:00AM

Daybreak on Monday brought a surprising story of survival with news that a teenage stowaway miraculously survived in the wheel well of an airplane after a six hour flight from San Jose, California to Maui, Hawaii this weekend. The story is notable because the vast majority of airplane stowaways die long before the aircraft reaches its final destination.

Rough Air: Yahoo Dumbsplains the Rise of Turbulence-Related Injuries

Dennis Mersereau · 03/10/14 01:15PM

Frequent fliers know the routine: seat up, bags stowed, phones in airplane mode, keep your seat belts fastened at all times as we can never predict rough air. When flight attendants go over their safety speech at the beginning of a flight, they're not doing it because they have to. The information is presented to help keep you safe. Rough air — polite airline-speak for turbulence — really can be unpredictable and dangerous if you're not strapped in when it happens.