
Maps: Half of Iowa Needs a T-Shirt While Half Needs a Parka

Dennis Mersereau · 11/10/14 05:10PM

The leading edge of the Arctic air filtering into the U.S. is abrupt and ruthless—temperatures in Iowa at 4:00 PM ranged from 72°F in the southeastern corner of the state and 27°F with a wind chill of 11°F in the northwestern corner of the state. Ahh. Or brrr, depending.

One Dead as Major Severe Weather Outbreak Ramps Up Across South

Dennis Mersereau · 10/13/14 01:35PM

A dangerous multi-day severe weather outbreak is ramping up across the southern United States at this hour, with a powerful squall line stretching from St. Louis to the Gulf of Mexico. Millions of people are at risk for widespread wind damage, large hail, and even tornadoes.

Extremely Dry Air Invades United States, Comforting Millions

Dennis Mersereau · 09/22/14 04:07PM

This afternoon's satellite imagery shows an incredible slug of dry air moving across the south and east behind a cold front, bringing beautiful weather to millions of people. In fact, the air is so dry at 10,000 feet above sea level that its humidity is near zero percent in some spots.