
Damaging Winds and a Tornado or Two Are Possible Along I-95 Corridor This Afternoon

Dennis Mersereau · 10/09/15 10:07AM

It’s been a while since we’ve had to talk about severe weather, and today it could threaten the East Coast of all places. A decent cold front pushing toward the coast this afternoon might trigger strong thunderstorms from Nashville to Boston, and some could be severe. Even a few tornadoes are possible in the NYC and Philly areas.

Joaquin Heading Out to Sea, But Extreme Rainfall and Major Coastal Flooding Still Likely

Dennis Mersereau · 10/02/15 02:59PM

Good news! We’re pretty sure that Hurricane Joaquin is going to head out to sea, with the chance of landfall on the United States fairly low at this point. The bad news is that there will still be more than a foot of rain in parts of the Carolinas, and stiff onshore winds and high waves will create coastal flooding in the Mid-Atlantic much like a storm surge would.

Hurricane Joaquin Is Threatening the East Coast: Here's What You Need to Know

Dennis Mersereau · 09/30/15 02:40PM

The latest forecast for Hurricane Joaquin puts it on an unnerving path toward the East Coast, but the track is far from certain right now. This week was going to be a flooding nightmare anyway—the hurricane is just rubbing salt in the wound. You need to prepare now for a significant, potentially life-threatening weather event later this week and this weekend.

Atmospheric Rube Goldberg Machine Could Dump Ridiculous Rain on I-95 Corridor This Week

Dennis Mersereau · 09/29/15 04:34PM

A complicated weather pattern will likely dump tons of rain on the East Coast later this week and this weekend. A wide range of possibilities could unfold—stretching from scattered showers to the unlikely event of a hurricane threatening land—so just about everyone who lives east of the Appalachian Mountains needs to watch the forecast closely.

Dennis Mersereau · 09/28/15 10:53PM

Tropical Storm Joaquin formed in the western Atlantic Ocean this evening. The cone of uncertainty covers the coast from North Carolina to Connecticut, and there is considerable uncertainty in the storm’s future track. We have to watch this system very closely. I’ll have an update on Tuesday once the morning models roll in and we have a better idea of what’s going on.

More Than Half of the United States Is Abnormally Dry or Officially in a Drought

Dennis Mersereau · 09/15/15 05:19PM

One of the biggest weather stories in recent years is the distinct lack of weather in much of the country—the drought is an ongoing, slow-motion disaster in the western United States, but abnormally dry conditions are starting to spread east. More than half of the United States is suffering from an unusual lack of rainfall, with much of the south and East Coast joining the west in their need for water.

Tornadoes and Damaging Winds Possible in the Mid-Atlantic This Afternoon

Dennis Mersereau · 07/09/15 01:44PM

The last thing people in the Mid-Atlantic want to hear is more rain and storms, but that’s exactly what’s in the forecast today. Cities from Pittsburgh to Philly and D.C. to New York will see the risk for strong thunderstorms this afternoon, some of which could produce damaging winds and even a few tornadoes.

Your Commute's Gonna Get Screwed up by Thunderstorms This Evening

Dennis Mersereau · 06/30/15 03:19PM

If you live in or around any of the counties shaded in blue on this map, odds are that your commute’s gonna suck as you head home this evening. Severe thunderstorms are firing up all over the place, and these counties are all under a severe thunderstorm watch through nightfall. Damaging winds, large hail, and some tornadoes are possible in these storms.

Strong Storms Will Hit D.C., Baltimore, Philly During Today's Rush Hour

Dennis Mersereau · 06/23/15 03:38PM

You can swim through the air on the East Coast this afternoon. It’s a typical hot, muggy summer afternoon, and an approaching cold front is allowing this soupy air to explode skyward and trigger some nasty thunderstorms. It looks like the storms will arrive in the megalopolis just in time for rush hour, of course.

Happy Summer! Early Heat Wave to Bake Eastern U.S. Next Week

Dennis Mersereau · 05/21/15 03:38PM

Hey, remember when we all complained that it was freezing just a couple of months ago? Think some of those cool, cool thoughts while we roast in the heat and humidity next week. Temperatures could climb into the 90s as far north as New Jersey, with muggy 80s stretching into New England.

This Winter Sucked and It's on Its Last Gasps, Thank God

Dennis Mersereau · 03/02/15 04:25PM

It's about time: winter is finally on its way out and warmer temperatures are just around the corner. We still have another week or two of cold weather to get through in the east, but that's amateur hour compared to the past three months. This winter was like a weird, climatic rap feud between east and west.

Active Weekend Promises Heavy Northeast Snow, More West Coast Rain

Dennis Mersereau · 02/06/15 04:41PM

As we make our way into the sixth weekend of the year, the weather is getting pretty active on either end of the United States. The west is basking in some much-needed rain, while the northeast is getting ready for yet another snowstorm this weekend, all while residents of Denver are wearing shorts.

Here's What You Need to Know About This Weekend's East Coast Snowstorm

Dennis Mersereau · 01/23/15 03:03PM

A snow and ice storm will disrupt travel in the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast tonight and tomorrow, but it's nothing abnormal for this time of the year. However, "nothing abnormal" doesn't mean crap when you're sliding sideways into a ditch on I-95. Here's what you need to know to stay ahead of this weekend's weather.

A Snowstorm Will Make Your East Coast Thanksgiving Travel a Nightmare

Dennis Mersereau · 11/24/14 12:46PM

A travel nightmare will unfold this week as odds increase that a highly disruptive snowstorm will affect the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast on Wednesday. Travel through all major cities from Washington D.C. to Boston will be heavily affected by this impending snowfall.