
Watch Storm Chasers Race to Catch Up With Oklahoma Supercells

Dennis Mersereau · 03/25/15 05:14PM

Today is the second day of a two-part severe weather outbreak across the Plains states, with giant thunderstorms blowing up over Oklahoma and Arkansas. The storms have the potential to produce hail up to the size of tennis balls, so naturally, storm chasers are speeding towards them in hopes of catching nature at its fiercest.

Five Beautiful GIFs of Hurricane Arthur Show Nature's Terrifying Power

Dennis Mersereau · 07/08/14 10:45AM

When Hurricane Arthur made landfall on the North Carolina coast last weekend, it was the strongest hurricane to strike the United States since Hurricane Ike hit Texas in 2008. The storm was downright impressive visually, and these gifs document the latent beauty of nature's power.