
Feedback: Help Make These Maps Un-Suck

Dennis Mersereau · 07/01/15 09:04PM

Hi! I need your feedback, if you wouldn’t mind. Several readers have chimed in over the past week or two about how I could better design the maps that appear here on The Vane to make them more readable for both desktop and mobile users. I aim to please, so if you have any comments or suggestions about how I can make my maps better, please let me know.

Programming Note

Dennis Mersereau · 01/23/15 07:19PM

The Vane will go quiet from Monday, January 26, until Monday, February 2, so I can take a week off to figure out new and exciting ways to hype boring weather. As always, I'll have coverage if there are pressing matters like a sharknado or if the Senate decides to vote on whether or not the Earth is flat.

Dennis Mersereau · 01/13/15 10:14PM

A glitch caused comments from an article I wrote two weeks ago to push into The Vane's RSS feed this evening. The glitch hit at least one other site, and I've alerted tech so they can identify and hopefully fix what went wrong. Apologies for clogging your feeds, and thanks (as always) for reading.

Here's a Navel-Gazing Look Back at The Vane in 2014

Dennis Mersereau · 12/31/14 04:53PM

This was a great year for The Vane—in fact, this was the only year for The Vane. America's favorite weather sub-vertical began on March 3, 2014, and it's been awkward ever since. Here's a look at the blog's roller-coaster year as it grew from a novelty to something that resembles a serious source for weather debunkery.