
President Obama Helped Issue a Hurricane Forecast This Morning

Dennis Mersereau · 05/28/15 12:57PM

President Obama paid a visit to the National Hurricane Center in Miami, Florida, this morning, to observe how the agency works and to speak with officials in the days leading up to the beginning of Atlantic hurricane season on June 1. While there, he helped the agency issue a forecast for Tropical Storm Andres.

Dennis Mersereau · 03/27/15 08:59PM

Meteorologists Did an Incredible Job Forecasting Hurricane Iselle

Dennis Mersereau · 08/11/14 02:52PM

Forecasters did a great job predicting the track of Hurricane Iselle as it headed towards Hawaii last week. Even almost a week out when the storm was a thousand miles from the Big Island, meteorologists had the hurricane's track pegged to within 30 miles of where it made landfall.

National Hurricane Center Slightly Downgrades 1969's Hurricane Camille

Dennis Mersereau · 03/29/14 07:52PM

In a re-analysis of one of the strongest hurricanes to ever hit the United States, the National Hurricane Center (NHC) downgraded Hurricane Camille's winds at landfall from 190 MPH to 175 MPH. This adjustment knocks 1969's Camille from its spot as the strongest landfalling hurricane in the country to the second most powerful hurricane to hit the country.