
East Coast Storm Could Bring Two Feet of Snow or Rain or Bright Sunshine

Dennis Mersereau · 12/15/14 03:10PM

The weather models are hinting at a potentially significant winter storm in the eastern United States this weekend, but they're vague on the small details like "what will happen?" Washington D.C., for instance, could see either one or fourteen inches of snow, or rain, or sunshine. Welcome to winter!

Hide Your Kids and Run to the Store, a Nor'easter Is Coming Tomorrow

Dennis Mersereau · 12/08/14 02:29PM

A nor'easter (!!!!) is slated to dump heavy rain and snow from Pennsylvania to Maine starting tomorrow morning, and some folks could see double-digit snow totals by the time it's over. For a pleasant change of pace, there's not much uncertainty in who will get how much of what and when.

A Nor'easter Is Coming: You'll Probably Live, But Panic Just in Case

Dennis Mersereau · 10/21/14 04:02PM

A developing nor'easter will affect New England during the second half of this week, bringing heavy rain, gusty winds, and widespread media panic. You'll probably survive, but you should hug your loved ones a little tighter tonight, just to be safe.