
The Vane Explains This Week's Weather: What Is an "Alberta Clipper?"

Dennis Mersereau · 01/19/15 03:49PM

We've had different phrases to talk about specific types of winter storms long before the "polar vortex" became the media's go-to scapegoat for all things snowy and cold. The most well-known type of winter storm is a "nor'easter." Another big winter term is an "Alberta Clipper," and you're going to hear a lot about them this week.

Temperatures Dip to 48 Degrees Below Zero in Brutal Western Cold Snap

Dennis Mersereau · 12/31/14 01:59PM

The frozen, icy hellscape that rang in 2014 across the eastern United States returned for an encore in the west during the year's waning hours. Temperatures fell as low as -48°F in Wyoming this morning as a brutal cold snap brings strong winds, heavy snow, and even record high air pressure to areas west of the Plains.

Las Vegas Might See a Rare Snowstorm on New Year's Eve

Dennis Mersereau · 12/29/14 02:50PM

Las Vegas, the gambler's paradise in the desert whose average high sits at or above 100°F for three months of the year, is getting ready to see a rare and potentially dangerous snowfall on Tuesday and Wednesday. The city could see up to three inches of snow on the ground by New Year's Day.

The Anatomy of Chicago's Busted Christmas Eve Snow Forecast

Dennis Mersereau · 12/24/14 02:00PM

Remember all that snow Chicago was supposed to get today? It's 41°F and raining right now. Forecasts were always honest that it might not snow, but seeing the potential for up to six inches of snow on Christmas Eve vanish in a cold, dreary rain is still a shock to the system. Here's why that happened.

What to Expect From "SantaBomb," a Possibly Disruptive Christmas Storm

Dennis Mersereau · 12/19/14 02:11PM

Ho ho holy crap, there's going to be a "SantaBomb" next week, according to the hive mind on social media. The term is a nickname for a potentially large and disruptive storm that weather models are suggesting could affect much of the eastern United States and Canada just in time for Christmas next week.

Building This Snow Coaster Is the Best Thing You Can Do This Winter

Dennis Mersereau · 12/18/14 12:22PM

If you dread the thought of a long winter and being stuck inside with your family for weeks or months on end, you can make the most of the impending wintry doom by recreating this awesome sledding snow coaster in your backyard. I'm jealous I never thought of this when I was a kid.

East Coast Storm Could Bring Two Feet of Snow or Rain or Bright Sunshine

Dennis Mersereau · 12/15/14 03:10PM

The weather models are hinting at a potentially significant winter storm in the eastern United States this weekend, but they're vague on the small details like "what will happen?" Washington D.C., for instance, could see either one or fourteen inches of snow, or rain, or sunshine. Welcome to winter!

Want a White Christmas? Don't Listen to the Grinches at AccuWeather 

Dennis Mersereau · 12/09/14 05:29PM

Are you dreaming of a white Christmas, just like the ones you used to know? "Not so fast," say the grinches over at AccuWeather. They issued a decree this afternoon declaring that anything less than an inch of snow on the ground is not, in fact, a white Christmas. They are wrong.

Hide Your Kids and Run to the Store, a Nor'easter Is Coming Tomorrow

Dennis Mersereau · 12/08/14 02:29PM

A nor'easter (!!!!) is slated to dump heavy rain and snow from Pennsylvania to Maine starting tomorrow morning, and some folks could see double-digit snow totals by the time it's over. For a pleasant change of pace, there's not much uncertainty in who will get how much of what and when.

Dennis Mersereau · 11/26/14 05:47PM

How Long Will I Be Stuck in This Airport? A Thanksgiving Travel Forecast

Dennis Mersereau · 11/26/14 02:41PM

If you're one of the tens of thousands of people who are trapped in one of the United States' many fine airports on this Thanksgiving Eve, you may find yourself wondering when the hell you're going to get out of here and on to your destination. Here's a quick forecast for your (eventual) departure.

A Snowstorm Will Make Your East Coast Thanksgiving Travel a Nightmare

Dennis Mersereau · 11/24/14 12:46PM

A travel nightmare will unfold this week as odds increase that a highly disruptive snowstorm will affect the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast on Wednesday. Travel through all major cities from Washington D.C. to Boston will be heavily affected by this impending snowfall.