
Please Start Using Google Image Search to Kill Fake, Viral Pictures

Dennis Mersereau · 10/26/15 04:27PM

If you scrolled through Facebook or Twitter this weekend, odds are you saw at least a dozen different pictures of Hurricane Patricia. There’s a pretty good chance at least half of them were fake or misrepresented. If you have an internet browser, you have access to a quick and easy viral image debunker. The internet will be a better place if we all start using it.

The Weather Channel Called Out the Weenies On Air and It's Glorious

Dennis Mersereau · 08/20/14 04:12PM

In the ultimate sign that the tides have turned and professionals aren't afraid to call out Grade A Weenies anymore for fear of harassment, The Weather Channel talked some sense into the Great Hurricane Hype of 2014, and it's downright refreshing.

A Hurricane Is Coming

Dennis Mersereau · 08/20/14 07:00AM

How do you know when to trust someone when they say "a hurricane is coming?" Should you only trust the NWS? Television weatherpeople? Your favorite Gawker weather blogger? All too often, people don't care where they get their weather information, and that's a huge problem.

Nobody Cares About Your Tweets

Dennis Mersereau · 07/22/14 01:41PM

The vast majority of Tweets are useless. Twitter feeds are an endless stream of #random and #unnecessary hashtags, shady shortened links, and poorly-made pictures hawking one's favorite political candidate (who probably sucks). And yet, we keep Tweeting. Why?