
A Major Hurricane Hasn't Hit the United States in 3,326 Days

Dennis Mersereau · 12/01/14 05:12PM

The stroke of midnight this morning closed the record books on yet another quiet hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean. We only saw a handful of newsworthy storms, but the real story is what didn't happen. It's been nine years—3,326 days—since the last major hurricane hit the United States.

A Nor'easter Is Coming: You'll Probably Live, But Panic Just in Case

Dennis Mersereau · 10/21/14 04:02PM

A developing nor'easter will affect New England during the second half of this week, bringing heavy rain, gusty winds, and widespread media panic. You'll probably survive, but you should hug your loved ones a little tighter tonight, just to be safe.

Watch These Awesome Super Rapid One-Minute Satellite Scans

Dennis Mersereau · 08/20/14 01:27PM

When NASA launched the first weather satellite back in 1960, it was little more than two television cameras strapped to a satellite and shot into orbit. Fast forward through the technological explosion of the late 20th century, and now you can watch the evolution of storms in near real-time, one-minute increments from your living room.

Towering Supercells in Arkansas Produce Golf Ball Size Hail

Dennis Mersereau · 03/28/14 05:04PM

Among the storms involved in today's modest severe weather outbreak across the south was one supercell in south-central Arkansas that towered to almost 53,000 feet and produced hail 1.75" to 2.00" in diameter. The storm had a great presentation on weather radar and made it easy to see why it was able to produce such large hail.

Map Porn: Decaying Squall Line Forms Near-Perfect Cane Over Midwest

Dennis Mersereau · 03/28/14 10:00AM

Satellite images over the past few weeks have been anything but boring, and last night's thunderstorms were no exception. A weakening squall line moving through Illinois and Missouri formed into almost a perfect cane shape as the northern end wrapped around a strengthening low west of Chicago.