
Fahrenheit Is a Better Temperature Scale Than Celsius

Dennis Mersereau · 03/16/15 03:04PM

Few things will earn you a nastier, contemptuous snarl from a Very Serious Scientist than using that lowly, scum-based Fahrenheit scale for measuring air temperature. "Celsius is the proper form of measurement," they haughtily trumpet, "because everyone else uses it." Everyone else is wrong.

Trust No Bank (Thermometer)

Dennis Mersereau · 08/13/14 01:36PM

You're driving down the road on a warm summer afternoon. You pass your local bank and the display says it's 97°F. "Good grief," you think, "I didn't realize it was that hot." Well, it's probably not that hot. The thermometers they use at businesses with electronic displays are useless junk.