
Nature Resumes Torturing Western U.S. With Rough, Record-Breaking Heat

Dennis Mersereau · 06/25/15 04:08PM

A slow motion disaster will continue playing out in the western United States this weekend as the same weather pattern that kept the west dangerously hot and dry this past winter is back to roast it over an open fire beginning this weekend. Some locations will see highs in the 100s through the middle of next week.

Temperatures Dip to 48 Degrees Below Zero in Brutal Western Cold Snap

Dennis Mersereau · 12/31/14 01:59PM

The frozen, icy hellscape that rang in 2014 across the eastern United States returned for an encore in the west during the year's waning hours. Temperatures fell as low as -48°F in Wyoming this morning as a brutal cold snap brings strong winds, heavy snow, and even record high air pressure to areas west of the Plains.

Residents Kayak in the Streets as Major Storm Slams West Coast

Dennis Mersereau · 12/11/14 02:33PM

The West Coast is famous for its "feast or famine" approach to the weather, and true to form, people from southern California through British Columbia are getting clobbered by an immense storm. The storm is causing so many issues that it's tough to list them all. Welcome back to the world of weather, West Coasters.