
More Than Half of the United States Is Abnormally Dry or Officially in a Drought

Dennis Mersereau · 09/15/15 05:19PM

One of the biggest weather stories in recent years is the distinct lack of weather in much of the country—the drought is an ongoing, slow-motion disaster in the western United States, but abnormally dry conditions are starting to spread east. More than half of the United States is suffering from an unusual lack of rainfall, with much of the south and East Coast joining the west in their need for water.

Seattle Breaks Record for Most 90°+ Days Ever Recorded in One Year

Dennis Mersereau · 07/31/15 02:11PM

Yesterday’s high temperature in Seattle was 94°F, breaking the record as the city’s tenth day so far this year with a high temperature at or above 90°F. This brutal July smashed extremes across the Pacific Northwest, shattering record high temperatures and giving many cities their warmest Julys on record.

This Winter Sucked and It's on Its Last Gasps, Thank God

Dennis Mersereau · 03/02/15 04:25PM

It's about time: winter is finally on its way out and warmer temperatures are just around the corner. We still have another week or two of cold weather to get through in the east, but that's amateur hour compared to the past three months. This winter was like a weird, climatic rap feud between east and west.

Active Weekend Promises Heavy Northeast Snow, More West Coast Rain

Dennis Mersereau · 02/06/15 04:41PM

As we make our way into the sixth weekend of the year, the weather is getting pretty active on either end of the United States. The west is basking in some much-needed rain, while the northeast is getting ready for yet another snowstorm this weekend, all while residents of Denver are wearing shorts.

California Drought Eases, But a Long Road Before Returning to Normal

Dennis Mersereau · 12/18/14 02:46PM

Some good news came out this morning that recent heavy rains have put a noticeable dent in the exceptional drought over parts of California, but the state still needs sustained rainfall (measured in feet, not inches) in order for their water situation to return to normal.

Residents Kayak in the Streets as Major Storm Slams West Coast

Dennis Mersereau · 12/11/14 02:33PM

The West Coast is famous for its "feast or famine" approach to the weather, and true to form, people from southern California through British Columbia are getting clobbered by an immense storm. The storm is causing so many issues that it's tough to list them all. Welcome back to the world of weather, West Coasters.

A Storm Will Bring Heavy Rain, 70 MPH Winds to the West Coast This Week

Dennis Mersereau · 12/08/14 04:58PM

A strong Pacific storm will start to affect the West Coast beginning Tuesday night and lasting through Thursday. Heavy rain, very strong winds, rough surf, and coastal flooding are all likely from British Columbia down through California. Along the Oregon coast, especially, winds could gust above 70 MPH at times.

Maps: Beneficial Rain on Its Way to California and Oregon Next Week

Dennis Mersereau · 11/28/14 03:37PM

A quick series of storm systems approaching the West Coast from the Pacific will bring some beneficial rainfall to most of California and Oregon over the next week. Populated areas of northern California and western Oregon could see several inches of rain, with more at higher elevations.

It's Raining in California and We Might See Plenty More This Winter

Dennis Mersereau · 11/20/14 04:11PM

While the biggest weather story of the week is undoubtedly the blockbuster snow affecting western New York, there's an equally rare phenomenon occurring on the other side of the country: it's raining in California, and more could come as we head into the winter.

Major Storms in the Pacific Northwest to Bring Feet of Rain and Snow

Dennis Mersereau · 10/22/14 12:26PM

A series of strong storms will begin impacting the Pacific Northwest over the next couple of days, each bringing the opportunity for incredibly heavy precipitation through this weekend. Lower elevations could see up to a foot of rain, while mountain peaks could see nearly ten feet of snow.

Why Doesn't the West Coast See Thunderstorms?

Dennis Mersereau · 07/17/14 03:12PM

While people along and east of the Rockies seem to have thunderstorms almost every other day this time of year, folks along the West Coast never see our level of exciting weather. Putting aside the ongoing drought, why doesn't the West Coast ever seem to see thunderstorms?

Why Is It So Hot in the West This Week?

Dennis Mersereau · 05/14/14 01:30PM

The western United States is famous for its calm, predictable weather, so it's noteworthy when extreme weather happens. Parts of California and Oregon have been sweltering under heat exceeding 100 degrees in some spots, and it's making people ask "what gives?"