
The Weather Is About to Make Your World Much Louder (and More Annoying)

Dennis Mersereau · 11/02/15 08:30AM

Fall is getting off to a slow start this year. It gets cool for a couple of days, then it warms right back up (not that that’s a bad thing!). As the cool days outnumber the warm, though, you’ll begin to notice a lot more noise at night and in the morning, and it’s all thanks to the weather.

NOAA Releases Winter Outlook, Still Expects El Niño to Dominate U.S. Weather

Dennis Mersereau · 10/15/15 02:39PM

This morning, NOAA released its long-range temperature and precipitation outlook for this winter and the verdict is that we’re on track for a strange season. Basically, El Niño’s gonna El Niño, with a decent chance of the stereotypical wintry disruptions one would expect in the U.S. during one of these events.

What El Niño Could Mean for Winter Weather in the United States

Dennis Mersereau · 09/17/15 04:03PM

Are you ready for winter? There’s a chance of snow in the mountains of Wyoming today, and before you know it, everyone everywhere will start grumbling about the cold. The big question on everyone’s mind is what’s in store for us this winter, and El Niño will likely be a major player in the coming months. Most indications point to the chance that the abnormally warm water in the Pacific will have a significant effect on our weather here in the United States.

The Weather Forecasts in the Old Farmer's Almanac Are a Bunch of Malarkey

Dennis Mersereau · 08/16/15 04:52PM

If it’s August, it’s another issue of the Old Farmer’s Almanac that sends the internet’s collective mind into a tizzy. The much vaunted annual publication is famous for “accurately” predicting the weather (or so says your Aunt Erma), but it’s basically the print version of a psychic reading on a 1-900 number.

Stop Sharing Those Terrible, Fake Winter Forecast Maps on Social Media

Dennis Mersereau · 08/04/15 03:25PM

Have you seen maps floating around social media that promise record-breaking snowfall this winter? They’re all fake, so stop sharing them. These ridiculous hoaxes have tricked millions of people into believing fake forecasts as fact, and it harms trust in actual science every time a new hoax goes around.

Dennis Mersereau · 03/20/15 10:45PM

Forecasters did a good job predicting Friday's snow, with some communities clocking in on the higher end of the forecasts. Central Park saw three inches, Philadelphia recorded four, an inch fell in Baltimore, and D.C. only saw a dusting. The big winner was Freehold, New Jersey, with 7.2 inches of snow.

Boston Breaks All-Time Winter Snowfall Record with 108.6 Inches of Snow

Dennis Mersereau · 03/15/15 06:15PM

A burst of heavy snow this afternoon nudged Boston over the threshold the city needed to break its all-time snowfall record. The airport reported 2.9 inches of snow at 7:00 PM EDT, bringing the seasonal total to 108.6 inches, or one inch above the previous all-time record set in 1995-1996. Snowfall records in Boston date back to 1936.

Southern Rains Will Lead to Weekend Snow in New England, I'm So Sorry

Dennis Mersereau · 03/12/15 03:20PM

The thing about March is that it lures you in with springlike temperatures, chirping birds, bumbling bees, and just when you start to let down your guard—WHAM!—you get smacked with a winter storm. It happens almost every year, but I am so sorry to say that it's probably going to snow this weekend.

Dennis Mersereau · 03/07/15 01:11PM

As expected, this was the warmest winter on record in five western states—California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, and Washington. The National Climatic Data Center's analysis jibes nicely with The Vane's findings that showed a major split between above-average in the West and below-average in the East.

The Crash of Delta 1086 Is Exactly Why Airlines Cancel Flights for Snow

Dennis Mersereau · 03/05/15 04:43PM

We've all moaned and groaned over flights cancelled due to weather. It's maddening to miss your connection (or even your whole trip) because of bad weather, but incidents like today's crash of Delta 1086 in a snowy New York City are exactly why they make that tough call that can affect millions of travelers.

Heavy Snow and Ugly Cold Blast Eastward, Boston Could Break Snow Record

Dennis Mersereau · 03/04/15 03:48PM

Flooding rains, heavy snow, and dangerous ice are roaring groundward across the middle of the country this afternoon as a juicy series of slow-moving fronts slowly makes its way towards the coast. The disruptive storm could even push Boston to 108 inches of snow, making this the snowiest season ever recorded in the city.

This Winter Sucked and It's on Its Last Gasps, Thank God

Dennis Mersereau · 03/02/15 04:25PM

It's about time: winter is finally on its way out and warmer temperatures are just around the corner. We still have another week or two of cold weather to get through in the east, but that's amateur hour compared to the past three months. This winter was like a weird, climatic rap feud between east and west.

Winter Storm Ravages South With Cute, Record-Breaking Little Snowfall 

Dennis Mersereau · 02/26/15 04:37PM

Much of the southern United States is cleaning up this afternoon from last night's cute li'l snowfall that produced record-breaking totals from Texas to Virginia. Up to a foot of snow fell on some small towns in northern Alabama we never hear about unless there's a tornado outbreak.

Conga Line of Polar Cold Snaps Sparing U.S. From Deadly Severe T'storms

Dennis Mersereau · 02/25/15 05:05PM

In a normal year, the southern United States would see severe weather on a weekly basis by the end of February. But that's a normal year, and this is 2015. For better or worse, severe weather across the United States is at an all-time low since records began nearly half a century ago.

Major Snows Aim for the South, FlamingSnowCarpocalypse II Looks Unlikely

Dennis Mersereau · 02/24/15 04:45PM

If you live in the south and you're sick of the constant ice storms we've seen over the past two weeks, you're in luck! It's only going to snow this time around. Heavy snow is in the forecast from Texas through Virginia on Wednesday and Thursday, threatening areas that don't typically see this much snow from one storm.

Southern United States Bracing for Its Third Ice Storm in One Week

Dennis Mersereau · 02/22/15 09:06PM

Another round of wintry weather tonight will get the south off to an ugly crunch for the second Monday in a row. The first batch of snow and ice is already falling across a swath of real estate from Louisiana to North Carolina, while a more threatening round of sleet and freezing rain will affect Texas and Oklahoma on Monday morning.

Dennis Mersereau · 02/21/15 03:52PM

It's snowing across the eastern U.S. and along the eastern Rockies, where Denver could see more than a foot of snow. There's a risk for a significant ice storm in north Texas (including Dallas and Fort Worth) on Monday. I'll have more information on that tomorrow when the event is a little closer on the weather models.

Toronto Toddler Dies in the Bitter Cold After Wandering Away From Home

Dennis Mersereau · 02/19/15 06:29PM

A three-year-old Toronto boy died this afternoon after he wandered away from home in the middle of the night. The boy spent six hours exposed to the elements before rescuers found him behind a nearby home and rushed him to the hospital. Temperatures in Toronto dipped to -2°F this morning with a wind chill of -21°F.