[There was a video here]

This may win the award for the strangest news banter of the year. She's confused, he's confused, there's an anchor doing court-ordered community service. It's a mess.

Here's the transcript:

Kait Parker: Well, this, in case you were confused, is indeed The Weather Channel.

Dave Schwartz: And you, in case I get confused, are Kait Parker.

Kait: Not Carl Parker!

Dave: ...subbing for Alex Wilson.

Kait: Yeah, I know, we miss her. You told us yesterday she's doing community service.

Dave: Yes. Well, the court ordered it.

Kait: That's the rumor. *laughs* Anyways...

What else can I say?

I am eternally thankful to The Weather Channel for re-hiring Dave Schwartz after his years-long absence from the network. He makes things interesting. Or awkward. Or both.

[Video via The Weather Channel]