[There was a video here]

The Memphis area is under a flash flood emergency this morning as storms have produced five to seven inches of rain in a short period of time. A homeowner impacted by the flooding interrupted a reporter on live television to tell her just how many times this motherfucker has flooded.

Five. The answer is five.

I've been over here ever since 2003 and this is the five time this motherfucker been goddamn...

The station managed to cut the awesome resident's rant off just before she could really get going, and you can hear people in the newsroom react with shock and humor over her realness.

The Vane will keep you updated in case this motherfucker floods for a sixth time.

[video via WMC-TV]

UPDATE 459PM EDT: Our video hosting website is having server issues. If the video is replaced by a "504 Gateway Time-out" error, check back in a few minutes to see if it's working. It's worth it.

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