"Boo!" is what parents will say when they tote their costumed children around in freezing cold temperatures tonight across much of the country. Unless you enjoy the bone-chilling temperatures, trick-or-treating tonight will be scary cold. Ha! Get it? Scary.

Most trick-or-treaters will hit the street politely begging their neighbors for little blocks of sugar around 7:00 to 8:00 PM local time, so we'll take a look at what the weather is expected to be like at 7:00 PM.

The image at the top of this post shows a simulated radar image from the HRRR weather model, valid for 7:00 PM EDT. The worst weather in the country will be in the area from the Appalachian Mountains west through the Ohio River Valley, where an ice cold rain will prevent most kids from heading out, unfortunately.

The Worst City for Trick-or-Treating Is...

Charleston, West Virginia! Sorry, kids. It's going to be a cold, damp, raw night. Many parents won't want go out in this weather.

Temperature: Mid 40s
Winds: Light, but any wind on a raw night like this is uncomfortable.
Chance of Rain: 85%
Sunset: 6:28 PM

Honorable Mentions:

Winchester, Wisconsin and Marquette, Michigan are both dealing with snow today. Winchester, southwest of Green Bay, saw 8 inches of snow last night, and Marquette (on Michigan's Upper Peninsula) is under a lake effect snow advisory as the city and its surrounding areas could see 6+ inches of snow before the storm moves out. It's not fun to tread through ankle-deep snow in a sexy ebola nurse costume.

The Best City for Trick-or-Treating Is...

Fort Lauderdale, Florida! Trusty ol' Florida won't let its children down this evening, with comfortable temperatures, low humidity, and clear skies. It'll be perfect weather to go out tonight.

Temperature: Mid-70s
Chance of Rain: ~10%
Wind: 5-10 MPH
Sunset: 6:39 PM

Honorable Mention:

Kahului, Hawaii. With a temperature around 75 and a low (20%) chance of rain, the weather here will be pretty darn nice at 7:00 PM local time. It will be quite breezy—winds to 20 MPH with gusts to 30 MPH—but look at it as the glass half-full: the gusty winds will make your Superman cape fly high.

Elsewhere in the country...

New York City (Brooklyn): Low- to mid-50s, slightly breezy, 20% chance of rain.

Chicago (Downtown): Upper 30s, very windy (30-40 MPH gusts), 70% chance of snow showers.

Washington D.C. (Alexandria): Low 50s, no wind, no rain.

Atlanta (Roswell): Upper 50s, 10-15 MPH winds, 25% chance of rain.

Oklahoma City: Mid 40s, light winds, no rain.

Los Angeles (Pasadena): Low 60s, light winds, 30% chance of rain.

Portland: Mid 50s, light winds, 30% chance of rain.

Seattle: Low 50s, light winds, 40% chance of rain.

[Image: WeatherBELL | Forecasts: NWS]

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