NASA released satellite images that show the extent of the historic flooding in the Balkans, which is responsible for the deaths of dozens and countless millions in property damage. The flooding is also unearthing thousands of landmines, which could pose a problem for residents both in and downstream of the floodwaters.

Here's what the Balkans looked like on May 18, 2013:

...and here's what the same area looked like exactly one year later, this past Monday:

The false color satellite image provides deep contrast to show different features on the surface of the earth. The green shows vegetation, the light blue/white shows clouds, and the dark blue shows the flooding around the Sava River, which runs through the middle of the Balkan Peninsula.

NASA reports that up to 40% of Bosnia and Herzegovina was covered by flooding at one point.

You can see the full resolution images at NASA's website.

The situation is slowly getting better as clear weather allows the water to recede and crews to begin the cleanup and recovery operations.

[Images via AP and NASA]