
Significant, Prolonged Heat Wave to Blanket Europe Over the Next Week

Dennis Mersereau · 06/30/15 02:31PM

Most of western and central Europe is on track to experience a dangerous heat wave over the next week, allowing temperatures to soar up to 30 degrees Fahrenheit above average for several days beginning on Wednesday. This level of heat is extremely dangerous in this part of the world due to the lack of air conditioning in many homes across the region.

Cruel Winds Tear Through Western Europe Causing Damage, Ruining Hairdos

Dennis Mersereau · 03/31/15 01:34PM

For the past 36 hours, hurricane-force winds have raked through western Europe as a result of a strong low pressure system crashing ashore in Denmark. The strong winds are causing widespread damage, knocking out power, and interrupting hundreds of flights at some of the busiest airports in the world.

Intense Cyclone Rakes U.K. With Heavy Rain and Snow, 75 MPH Winds

Dennis Mersereau · 01/14/15 04:09PM

The United Kingdom is living up to its gloomy stereotype today as it feels the effects of a powerful cyclone sweeping across the northern Atlantic Ocean. The photogenic storm brought heavy snow to Ireland and Scotland, heavy rain to England and Wales, and winds of 75 MPH to the region's western coasts.

What Is a "Weather Bomb?" The Vane Explains

Dennis Mersereau · 12/11/14 05:31PM

A major storm in the North Atlantic caused extreme winds and monster waves in the United Kingdom on Wednesday. Scotland's mountainous St. Kilda Island even recorded a 144 MPH wind gust during the height of the storm. People are breathlessly calling this a "weather bomb." What exactly is a weather bomb, anyway?

Pilot Takes Stunning Aerial Photos of a Supercell in France

Dennis Mersereau · 06/10/14 01:49PM

A commercial pilot in France took these absolutely stunning pictures of a supercell thunderstorm yesterday afternoon. On Monday, the western European country faced its second day of a powerful severe weather outbreak that dropped baseball to softball size hail near Paris.

Balkans' Worst Flooding in Years Is Unearthing Thousands of Landmines

Dennis Mersereau · 05/19/14 02:13PM

Up to a foot of rain fell across parts of the Balkans this weekend, creating the worst flooding the region has seen in centuries. As if that's not bad enough, the flooding and landslides are unearthing some of the hundreds of thousands of landmines planted in the ground during the Yugoslav Wars of the 1990s.