The Michigan Republican Party is now the proud owner of the worst weather-themed political ad ever created. The party released a painfully cheesy thirty-second spot last week calling the Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate a "loan sharknado." It's so bad that it's uncomfortable to watch.

The ad, which appears to have been done by a high school freshman as extra credit, asserts that the campaign run by Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Gary Peters is funded by a convicted felon connected to "a loan shark ring run by an international gangster."

CNN reports that the ad refers to Xhafer Laho, a man who was recently sentenced to four years in prison for his involvement in a loan shark scheme. Laho contributed more than $6,000 to Peters' campaigns over the past couple of years—all of which has been returned or donated by Peters, a spokesperson told CNN.

Gary Peters, a Democratic congressman who currently represents Michigan's 14th District, is soundly leading his Republican rival by double-digits according to the latest Real Clear Politics average. Peters is so widely expected to win that national Republicans have given up on the race and moved their financial resources to more hotly-contested Senate seats elsewhere.

Syfy recently announced that the third installment in the Sharknado series will ravage cities from Washington D.C. to Orlando, so this likely won't be the last cheesy political foray into the Z-list movie business. The movie will air next summer.

[Image: Michigan GOP via YouTube]

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