
Weather Channel Ends Its Rumspringa, Decides It Wants to Focus on Weather After All

Dennis Mersereau · 09/09/15 03:08PM

Years ago, The Learning Channel dumped learning in favor of Honey Boo Boo and a family led by a couple that doesn’t know how to just sit and talk at night. The History Channel slowly went from history to Hitler to the Harrisons, and The Weather Channel—once a force so powerful in America that it was the authority on weather—followed that same misguided path, eschewing the perpetual map briefings that turned them into a powerhouse to begin airing reality programs about pudgy beards, people anxiously ogling at rocks, and the foibles of a buncha rushin’, cussin’ truckers.

Al Roker to Stay Live on the Air for 34 Hours in World Record Attempt

Dennis Mersereau · 11/12/14 04:55PM

Beginning at 10:00 PM ET tonight, Al Roker will embark on a 34-hour quest to break the Guinness World Record for the longest continuous live weather report. The ever-present weathercaster for NBC and The Weather Channel seeks to break the current record of 24 hours.