
U.S. Senator Introduces Bill to Build Weather Radars for the Country or Maybe Just His State

Dennis Mersereau · 09/18/15 06:30AM

The accidental invention of the weather radar during World War II was one of the most important advances we’ve made in keeping people safe from severe storms. Today, the United States is covered by more than 150 Doppler radar sites, but there are some pretty dangerous gaps in that coverage. Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC) recently introduced a bill ordering the construction of new radar sites to cover some of the country’s most vulnerable cities, but the bill might be worded just cleverly enough that it applies to exactly one city, which is coincidentally the largest in Burr’s home state.

U.S. Senate Chickens Out of Fixing Major Issues in Weather Forecasting

Dennis Mersereau · 06/23/15 01:35PM

Last week, the United States Senate briefly flirted with the idea of actually doing something useful. Depending on whom you ask, the National Weather Service Improvement Act was either a positive step toward modernization or destructive enough to give Rick Santorum the quivers. Even though the bill is now dead and gone, the idea of fundamentally restructuring the National Weather Service is a debate worth having.

House Passes Bill Redirecting $330 Million to Weather Forecasting

Dennis Mersereau · 04/02/14 10:00AM

In the near future, the U.S. House of Representatives plans to consider a bill that aims to force NOAA to "prioritize" a large number of its financial resources on the improvement and execution of near-term weather prediction.