
Tired, Weakened Hurricane Blanca Heading to Cabo to Chill This Weekend

Dennis Mersereau · 06/05/15 03:56PM

Hurricane Blanca (Blanca, not Bianca, much to the chagrin of drag fans the world over) is still hanging on over the eastern Pacific Ocean as it slowly makes its way towards the Baja Peninsula. The storm will make for a crappy weekend in Cabo—sorry about that—but it shouldn’t be too bad, as long as you’re not in the water.

Hurricane Blanca May or May Not Drench the Southwestern U.S. Next Week

Dennis Mersereau · 06/03/15 03:29PM

Hurricane Blanca is only the second named storm in the three-week-old Pacific Hurricane Season, but it’s already the second category four hurricane to form there in the past two days. The storm will slowly move towards the Baja Peninsula this weekend, after which it might or might not drench the American Southwest.

Forecasts Suggest Quieter 2015 Hurricane Season, But Storms Still Likely

Dennis Mersereau · 05/29/15 11:22AM

We’re three days away from the start of hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean, and we’ve already seen one tropical storm this year. Tropical storms in May aren’t all that rare, but they aren’t exactly an omen, either. Forecasters expect a below-average hurricane season, but it just takes one to make a mess.

President Obama Helped Issue a Hurricane Forecast This Morning

Dennis Mersereau · 05/28/15 12:57PM

President Obama paid a visit to the National Hurricane Center in Miami, Florida, this morning, to observe how the agency works and to speak with officials in the days leading up to the beginning of Atlantic hurricane season on June 1. While there, he helped the agency issue a forecast for Tropical Storm Andres.

Guam Lashed by 100+ MPH Winds as Typhoon Dolphin Skirts Island

Dennis Mersereau · 05/15/15 04:05PM

Typhoon Dolphin lashed the U.S. territories of Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands in the western Pacific last night as a strong category two. The storm was initially expected to clear Guam with mild impacts, but a last minute shift in the storm’s track left Andersen Air Force Base with winds gusting over 100 MPH.

NWS Warns of "Devastating Damage" as Typhoon Churns Towards Guam

Dennis Mersereau · 05/14/15 03:30PM

Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands—both territories of the United States—are bracing for a punch from a strengthening typhoon in the western Pacific. The National Weather Service issued a sobering statement that “devastating damage is likely” as the typhoon passes very close to the islands on Friday.

Subtropical Storm Ana, a Sad Lump of Clouds, Swirling Towards Carolinas

Dennis Mersereau · 05/08/15 02:15PM

A pathetic clump of swirling clouds and weak thunderstorms shamefully churning off the coast of South Carolina became Subtropical Storm Ana last night. The storm is the first tropical cyclone we’ve seen in May since Alberto in 2012, and the earliest in the year since Ana (no relation) in 2003.

A Tropical Cyclone Will (Probably) Threaten the Southeast This Week

Dennis Mersereau · 05/04/15 03:23PM

No sooner did the calendar crack May than we had to start worrying about a potential tropical system forming off the coast of the southeastern United States later this week. Anyone who lives near the coast from Florida to North Carolina needs to keep a close watch on this system. Here’s what you need to know to stay ahead of what could become Ana.

Here's What El Niño Could Mean for Summer Weather in the United States

Dennis Mersereau · 04/30/15 03:52PM

As temperatures warm up and the school year winds down for kids across the country, people are eager for summer to arrive before spring has a chance to set in. Everyone wants to know what kind of weather we’ll have this summer, but there’s one factor that could have some consequences: El Niño.

Dennis Mersereau · 03/27/15 08:59PM

South Pacific's Vanuatu Hammered by 165 MPH Tropical Cyclone

Dennis Mersereau · 03/13/15 02:01PM

The world is on edge this afternoon as we await news from Vanuatu's capital city of Port Vila to see how they fared the wrath of Severe Cyclone Pam. The storm had estimated winds of 165 MPH as its eyewall brushed the capital island's 66,000 inhabitants on Friday around 9:00 AM EDT.

Dennis Mersereau · 12/19/14 01:11PM

Bob Simpson, legendary meteorologist and the "Simpson" half of the Saffir-Simpson hurricane wind scale, died this morning at the young age of 102. Earlier this morning, NWS Jackson, Miss. posted a seven-Tweet recap of his professional achievements: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

A Major Hurricane Hasn't Hit the United States in 3,326 Days

Dennis Mersereau · 12/01/14 05:12PM

The stroke of midnight this morning closed the record books on yet another quiet hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean. We only saw a handful of newsworthy storms, but the real story is what didn't happen. It's been nine years—3,326 days—since the last major hurricane hit the United States.

Hurricane Gonzalo Makes Rare Landfall in Bermuda [Updated]

Dennis Mersereau · 10/17/14 08:35PM

Hurricane Gonzalo made landfall on the south-central coast of Bermuda at 8:30 PM EDT with winds of 110 MPH. The calm eye lasted about fifteen minutes before the winds picked back up. Sustained winds near 100 MPH and gusts to 130 MPH were reported across Bermuda.