
Boston Breaks All-Time Winter Snowfall Record with 108.6 Inches of Snow

Dennis Mersereau · 03/15/15 06:15PM

A burst of heavy snow this afternoon nudged Boston over the threshold the city needed to break its all-time snowfall record. The airport reported 2.9 inches of snow at 7:00 PM EDT, bringing the seasonal total to 108.6 inches, or one inch above the previous all-time record set in 1995-1996. Snowfall records in Boston date back to 1936.

Southern Rains Will Lead to Weekend Snow in New England, I'm So Sorry

Dennis Mersereau · 03/12/15 03:20PM

The thing about March is that it lures you in with springlike temperatures, chirping birds, bumbling bees, and just when you start to let down your guard—WHAM!—you get smacked with a winter storm. It happens almost every year, but I am so sorry to say that it's probably going to snow this weekend.

Dennis Mersereau · 02/15/15 12:48AM

What You Need to Know About This Weekend's Blizzard in New England 

Dennis Mersereau · 02/13/15 05:08PM

If you're unlucky enough to live in the snowiest region of the country this year, chances are you don't need any introduction to what's going to happen this weekend. Up to two feet of heavy, wind-driven snow will blast coastal New England on Sunday, making travel impossible and possibly producing some damage along the way.

A Brutal Cold Snap and a Blizzard or Two Are Possible Over the Next Week

Dennis Mersereau · 02/12/15 04:37PM

Much of the eastern U.S. is about to plunge into the coldest wave of Arctic air we've seen this winter, and for many, it could feature more sustained cold temperatures than we saw during the Great Polar Vortex Panic of 2014. If that isn't bad enough, the east could see a couple of disruptive winter storms next week.

Dennis Mersereau · 01/26/15 10:07PM

This beast of a nor'easter looks incredible on infrared satellite imagery this evening, and the storm is only in its infancy. Conditions will rapidly deteriorate in locations that haven't gone down hill already. Locations caught under the deformation zone (heaviest persistent bands) will see two or more feet. Stay safe and enjoy.

What You Need to Know About Today's "Crippling" Blizzard: Monday Update

Dennis Mersereau · 01/26/15 06:45AM

After a short night of restless sleep, it appears that forecasters are still predicting the end of the world in the Northeast this evening. If you haven't panicked yet, you have several hours to do so before it's too late. Hug your children. Hoard booze. This is not a drill. Here's what you need to know to make it through the storm.

Hide Your Kids and Run to the Store, a Nor'easter Is Coming Tomorrow

Dennis Mersereau · 12/08/14 02:29PM

A nor'easter (!!!!) is slated to dump heavy rain and snow from Pennsylvania to Maine starting tomorrow morning, and some folks could see double-digit snow totals by the time it's over. For a pleasant change of pace, there's not much uncertainty in who will get how much of what and when.

There May or May Not Be a Snowstorm in the Northeast This Weekend

Dennis Mersereau · 10/27/14 01:43PM

Several weather models are hinting at the potential for an early-season snowfall across parts of the northeast this weekend. Weather models forecasting snow more than five days in advance are like predictions of the rapture—the odds are against it, but get ready just in case.

A Nor'easter Is Coming: You'll Probably Live, But Panic Just in Case

Dennis Mersereau · 10/21/14 04:02PM

A developing nor'easter will affect New England during the second half of this week, bringing heavy rain, gusty winds, and widespread media panic. You'll probably survive, but you should hug your loved ones a little tighter tonight, just to be safe.