
Rain and a Hurricane Almost Changed the Course of History on September 11, 2001

Dennis Mersereau · 09/11/15 07:00AM

Everyone remembers the weather fourteen years ago. Every remembrance story, every “where were you when” conversation, every newscast before the attacks mentions how the sky was a brilliant, deep shade of blue the morning the world turned upside down. However, had the sky not been as clear as it was that day—if the hurricane off the coast of New England hadn’t ricocheted toward Canada—it’s very possible that the weather could have permanently changed the course of both American and world history.

Why NYC's "Historic" Blizzard Didn't Live up to the Hype

Dennis Mersereau · 01/27/15 10:51AM

If you woke up this fine Tuesday morning to find much less snow than forecasters predicted, you're likely one of the thousands of angry people sprinting to the computer to voice your outrage—outrage!!!—that those lowlife, idiotic, goodfernothin' meteorologists can't get anything right. Here's why you're wrong.

Maps: Parts of N.Y. Could See Five Feet of Lake Effect Snow by Tomorrow

Dennis Mersereau · 01/09/15 04:06PM

A nasty lake effect snow event is cranking up over western New York this afternoon, threatening to dump several feet of snow on communities from Buffalo to Watertown. Towns south of Buffalo could dig out from three feet of snow from the system, while eastern Lake Ontario could see up to five feet of snow in 36 hours.

Lake Effect Snow: How Nature's Greatest Snow Machine Works

Dennis Mersereau · 11/18/14 02:22PM

The above photo, taken from a plane above Buffalo yesterday by photographer Jeff Suhr, shows the brutal lake effect snow storm in effect over Western New York right now. Some areas are expecting up to six feet of snow by the end of the week. These snowstorms are among the most intense in the world, and the processes that create them are pretty spectacular.

Gov. Cuomo Talks About Tornadoes, Knows Nothing About Tornadoes

Dennis Mersereau · 07/09/14 12:45PM

After touring damage in central New York left behind by yesterday's strong tornado that killed four people, Governor Andrew Cuomo said "We don't get tornadoes in New York, right? Anyone will tell you that. Well, we do now." Except he's wrong. Really wrong. Really, really wrong.

Widespread Damaging Winds Likely Today in Pennsylvania and New York

Dennis Mersereau · 07/08/14 01:28PM

A moderate (4 out of 5) risk for severe weather exists across parts of Pennsylvania and New York this afternoon ahead of thunderstorms that could produce widespread damaging winds in excess of 75 MPH at times. In addition to the wind risk, hail the size of ping pong balls and even a tornado or two are possible.