
A Brutal Cold Snap and a Blizzard or Two Are Possible Over the Next Week

Dennis Mersereau · 02/12/15 04:37PM

Much of the eastern U.S. is about to plunge into the coldest wave of Arctic air we've seen this winter, and for many, it could feature more sustained cold temperatures than we saw during the Great Polar Vortex Panic of 2014. If that isn't bad enough, the east could see a couple of disruptive winter storms next week.

This Winter Hasn't Been as Bad as It Sounds

Dennis Mersereau · 02/11/15 05:00PM

While the big weather story of late has been the Hoth-like cold and snow under which New England is buried, there's a much different scenario unfolding in the west: it's nice! Really nice. Almost too nice. Given that it seems the country's weather is split between Moscow and Boca, has it really been that bad of a winter? Not really.

Mild Temperatures Bathe Most of the U.S., But It Won't Last Much Longer

Dennis Mersereau · 01/19/15 09:03PM

Today was so nice that it made this winter lover pine for spring. High temperatures at The Vane's nerdquarters in North Carolina topped out in the mid 60s this afternoon, with open-window weather hanging out across most of the United States today. Almost the entire country saw above-average temperatures this afternoon, but don't get used to it.

Raw, Dreary Day Precedes Raw, Boring Week

Dennis Mersereau · 01/12/15 04:44PM

This week in weather is going to feel like one of those awful afternoons where there's nothing on television but Swamp People and you watch it anyway, because that's your life, pal.

Eastern U.S. Braces for Dangerously Cold Temperatures Tonight and Thurs.

Dennis Mersereau · 01/07/15 04:03PM

After more than a week of warning, a frigid Arctic airmass is finally sweeping across the eastern half of the United States. Tonight and tomorrow, dangerously cold temperatures will encase the country from the Plains to the Atlantic and down to the Gulf of Mexico. This will probably—hopefully—be the coldest air we'll see this winter.

Here's What You Need to Know About This Week's Dangerous Cold Snap

Dennis Mersereau · 01/05/15 03:12PM

The coldest air of the winter is draining into the United States, and holy crap it's cold. Temperatures in much of the north are struggling to climb into the single digits today, while Boston and the NYC suburbs will flirt with lows near zero on Thursday morning. Here's what you need to know to survive the deep freeze.

This Warm December Weather Will Come to an Abrupt, Frigid End Next Week

Dennis Mersereau · 12/26/14 02:57PM

Are you enjoying the (sort of) warm weather we've seen for the past day or two? Don't get used to it. A surge of Arctic air will deliver subfreezing highs for most of the country early next week. It won't be anywhere near as bad as last winter's "polar vortex" panic, but it'll be a miserable cold spell just in time for the new year.

Dennis Mersereau · 12/24/14 02:57PM

There's a nasty cold air damming event going on across the Piedmont this afternoon. Here in Podunk, North Carolina, our high temperature was supposed to be 68°F. The current temperature is 48°F. The wedge is cruel and stubborn.

Hot in December? You're Probably Not Reading These Maps Correctly

Dennis Mersereau · 12/02/14 04:59PM

One of the biggest (and most welcome) weather stories today is that a warm-up is slated to descend over the United States during the next two weeks. The maps we use to show the possibility of above-average temperatures are being misread by much of the public, and that's a problem.

Maps: Half of Iowa Needs a T-Shirt While Half Needs a Parka

Dennis Mersereau · 11/10/14 05:10PM

The leading edge of the Arctic air filtering into the U.S. is abrupt and ruthless—temperatures in Iowa at 4:00 PM ranged from 72°F in the southeastern corner of the state and 27°F with a wind chill of 11°F in the northwestern corner of the state. Ahh. Or brrr, depending.

We're All Going to Freeze to Death Next Week: A Reader's Guide to Hype

Dennis Mersereau · 11/07/14 01:27PM

We're all about to freeze to death at the hands of an angry Alaskan sea bomb! Or, that's what it sounds like when you scroll through Twitter, anyway. What is this "bomb" everyone is talking about? Just how cold will it get and for how long? That question and more, answered below.

Arctic Plunge: Cold Temperatures Descend on United States Next Week

Dennis Mersereau · 11/05/14 04:04PM

Today is a pretty nice day across much of the country, with mild to warm temperatures in most spots from coast to coast. Enjoy it while it lasts, though, because cold Arctic air is likely to spill down from Canada next week, plunging temperatures 10 to 20 degrees below normal.

Summer 2014 Dies at Age Zero

Dennis Mersereau · 09/10/14 04:17PM

So long, summer 2014; we hardly knew you. It looks like tomorrow might be the last day of thermometer summer for much of the eastern United States. A cold front marching eastward will bring with it a line of storms followed by a long stretch of blissful autumnal crispness. Hallelujah.

Ferguson Is Under an Excessive Heat Warning This Week

Dennis Mersereau · 08/20/14 11:38AM

In addition to the excessive heat brought into Ferguson by the authorities, Mother Nature is bringing some of her own. A dangerous combination of heat and humidity prompted forecasters to issue an Excessive Heat Warning until Sunday for the St. Louis area, including Ferguson.

How Does Summer 2014 Stack Up Against Previous Years?

Dennis Mersereau · 08/15/14 01:39PM

For those of us who live along the East Coast, this has been a pretty nice summer. With constant shots of cool air and low humidity filtering in from the north (thanks, Canucks!), temperatures are staying right around normal. The West, on the other hand, is baking. How does this summer compare to summers past?

Is 2014 the Year Without a Summer?

Dennis Mersereau · 07/29/14 10:45AM

One "polar vortex" after the other, it seems like this summer is really just an extension of spring. The cool temps are causing people who live east of the Rockies to wonder if 2014 will go down as the year without a summer. As we enter the waning days of July, we can look back and see if it's true.

This Is Why the Heat Index Is So Important

Dennis Mersereau · 07/23/14 11:00AM

Out of the comfort and into the fire went the central United States this week as the latest NotReallyAPolarVortex left in a hurry. Temperatures themselves are hot enough — topping 105°F in places — but as the old phrase goes, it's not the heat that gets you, it's the humidity. On days like today, the heat index is crucial.