
Oops: Weather Service Issues Tornado Warning 18 Minutes After Tornado

Dennis Mersereau · 07/03/14 05:08PM

While the National Weather Service is often on top of their game when it comes to severe weather, sometimes they miss the mark and make a major error. In this case, they failed to issue a tornado warning on a confirmed tornado until 18 minutes after it first showed up on radar.

Frustrating Bureaucracy Leads to Ridiculous Tornado Forecast

Dennis Mersereau · 06/04/14 12:42PM

A frustrating bureaucratic technicality led to a confusing situation this afternoon as a thunderstorm straddling state lines prompted the issuance of one of the most ridiculous-looking tornado warnings ever seen. The inconsistency has a good reason behind it, but these types of quirks can hurt public trust in weather forecasts.