
Five Important Things Everyone Should Know to Survive the Next Weather Disaster

Dennis Mersereau · 11/13/15 03:27PM

Humans suck at preparing for disasters. Society barely made it through the scourge of Twitter changing stars to hearts. When the sky darkens, thunder rumbles, or snow starts falling, many people simply fall to pieces. These five tips will help you get through the next big storm that’s bad enough to earn its own scary name.

Why Is Sleet? How the Atmosphere Turns Snow into an Icy, Frozen Hell

Dennis Mersereau · 02/17/15 04:07PM

With temperatures as low as 15°F, it seems unusual that parts of the south saw sleet and freezing rain instead of snow on Monday. Wintry precipitation isn't always determined by the temperature at the ground. Here's an explainer on how sleet and freezing rain can turn a beautiful snowfall into an icy death match.

Here's What You Need to Know About This Weekend's East Coast Snowstorm

Dennis Mersereau · 01/23/15 03:03PM

A snow and ice storm will disrupt travel in the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast tonight and tomorrow, but it's nothing abnormal for this time of the year. However, "nothing abnormal" doesn't mean crap when you're sliding sideways into a ditch on I-95. Here's what you need to know to stay ahead of this weekend's weather.

Tricky Weekend Storm Will Bring Heavy Rain and Snow to the I-95 Corridor

Dennis Mersereau · 01/22/15 03:59PM

I hope you enjoyed the relatively nice weather we've seen for the past few days, because things are going to change in a hurry. A major storm is trekking across Texas this afternoon on its way to the eastern seaboard, and it will culminate in what could be a decent snow event in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic this weekend.

The Vane Explains This Week's Weather: What Is an "Alberta Clipper?"

Dennis Mersereau · 01/19/15 03:49PM

We've had different phrases to talk about specific types of winter storms long before the "polar vortex" became the media's go-to scapegoat for all things snowy and cold. The most well-known type of winter storm is a "nor'easter." Another big winter term is an "Alberta Clipper," and you're going to hear a lot about them this week.

Intense Cyclone Rakes U.K. With Heavy Rain and Snow, 75 MPH Winds

Dennis Mersereau · 01/14/15 04:09PM

The United Kingdom is living up to its gloomy stereotype today as it feels the effects of a powerful cyclone sweeping across the northern Atlantic Ocean. The photogenic storm brought heavy snow to Ireland and Scotland, heavy rain to England and Wales, and winds of 75 MPH to the region's western coasts.

Maps: Parts of N.Y. Could See Five Feet of Lake Effect Snow by Tomorrow

Dennis Mersereau · 01/09/15 04:06PM

A nasty lake effect snow event is cranking up over western New York this afternoon, threatening to dump several feet of snow on communities from Buffalo to Watertown. Towns south of Buffalo could dig out from three feet of snow from the system, while eastern Lake Ontario could see up to five feet of snow in 36 hours.

The Science Behind Turning Boiling Water Into "Snow" on a Frigid Day

Dennis Mersereau · 01/08/15 10:57AM

Every winter, one of the coolest trends to circulate around the web is courtesy of unfortunate, bored souls stuck in the northern tundra with nothing better to do than throw cups of boiling water into the air. Once the water leaves the cup, it immediately turns into "snow." Let's take a look at how and why that happens.

Eastern U.S. Braces for Dangerously Cold Temperatures Tonight and Thurs.

Dennis Mersereau · 01/07/15 04:03PM

After more than a week of warning, a frigid Arctic airmass is finally sweeping across the eastern half of the United States. Tonight and tomorrow, dangerously cold temperatures will encase the country from the Plains to the Atlantic and down to the Gulf of Mexico. This will probably—hopefully—be the coldest air we'll see this winter.

Here's What You Need to Know About This Week's Dangerous Cold Snap

Dennis Mersereau · 01/05/15 03:12PM

The coldest air of the winter is draining into the United States, and holy crap it's cold. Temperatures in much of the north are struggling to climb into the single digits today, while Boston and the NYC suburbs will flirt with lows near zero on Thursday morning. Here's what you need to know to survive the deep freeze.

Get Ready: Bitterly Cold Weather Will Grip the Eastern U.S. Next Week

Dennis Mersereau · 01/02/15 04:56PM

An intense outbreak of cold weather will descend on the eastern two-thirds of the country next week, with widespread low temperatures in the single digits and below zero for a couple of days. Lows in the teens are even possible as far south as Alabama and Mississippi.

Temperatures Dip to 48 Degrees Below Zero in Brutal Western Cold Snap

Dennis Mersereau · 12/31/14 01:59PM

The frozen, icy hellscape that rang in 2014 across the eastern United States returned for an encore in the west during the year's waning hours. Temperatures fell as low as -48°F in Wyoming this morning as a brutal cold snap brings strong winds, heavy snow, and even record high air pressure to areas west of the Plains.

Las Vegas Might See a Rare Snowstorm on New Year's Eve

Dennis Mersereau · 12/29/14 02:50PM

Las Vegas, the gambler's paradise in the desert whose average high sits at or above 100°F for three months of the year, is getting ready to see a rare and potentially dangerous snowfall on Tuesday and Wednesday. The city could see up to three inches of snow on the ground by New Year's Day.

The Anatomy of Chicago's Busted Christmas Eve Snow Forecast

Dennis Mersereau · 12/24/14 02:00PM

Remember all that snow Chicago was supposed to get today? It's 41°F and raining right now. Forecasts were always honest that it might not snow, but seeing the potential for up to six inches of snow on Christmas Eve vanish in a cold, dreary rain is still a shock to the system. Here's why that happened.

Long-Range Winter Weather Forecasts Suck

Dennis Mersereau · 10/16/14 01:23PM

Stop relying on long-range seasonal forecasts to tell you if it's going to be cold this winter. Those forecasts suck. Of course it's going to be cold this winter—that's why they call it winter.

The Weather Channel's Winter Storm Names Are a Cheap Advertising Ploy

Dennis Mersereau · 10/01/14 12:21PM

No credible agency in the United States names winter storms. That being said, The Weather Channel sent out a press release this morning announcing this year’s list of winter storm names. The project continues the network’s incredibly clever viewer-run advertising campaign.