The intense hailstorms that struck Colorado a couple of weeks ago left behind major damage to tens of thousands of cars, homes, airplanes, and just about everything else that wasn't protected from the stones that approached the size of tennis balls at times. Insured losses are now estimated to clock in at over $100 million.

The Denver Post reports that the figure comes from nearly 30,000 insurance claims filed by residents of the hardest-hit areas of northeastern Colorado last month.

Severe weather that punished Colorado the week of May 20 caused an estimated $109.3 million in insured losses resulting from 28,442 auto and homeowners insurance claims filed so far, according to the Rocky Mountain Insurance Information Association.

The damage estimates include 18,538 car insurance claims adding up to more than $57 million and 9,904 property insurance claims at nearly $52 million.

In addition to causing immense damage to vehicles as well as crops and vegetation, large hail can also damage the roofs, windows, and siding of homes unfortunate enough to find themselves in the path of severe thunderstorms. Hail as small as 1 inch in diameter (quarter size) can cause damage, which is why quarter size hail is the criteria for which hail is considered "severe" in the United States.

The $109 million figure is a drop in the bucket compared to some of the most expensive hailstorms in American history.

Two hailstorms in less than a week in Oklahoma City back in May 2010 (one of which is seen in the video above) resulted in combined damages of around $1 billion, after the storms pelted the metro area with hailstones up to the size of softballs (4.25" in diameter).

The costliest hailstorm in U.S. history occurred on April 10, 2001 around St. Louis, Missouri. The storm produced baseball size hail and resulted in estimated damages nearing $2 billion, which adjusts to $2.6 billion in 2013.

[Image via AP]